Прогревать или ехать сразу? Разбираем самый спорный

Feb 18, 2021


Welcome to DZ9 Transport, your trusted source for shipping and logistics services. In this article, we delve into the highly debated topic of whether it is better to warm up your vehicle before driving or go straight ahead. There have been arguments for both approaches, and we aim to provide you with comprehensive insights so you can make an informed decision.

The Case for Vehicle Warm-Up

Many drivers have grown up with the belief that warming up your vehicle before driving is essential to ensure optimal performance. While modern vehicles have advanced technologies that eliminate the need for lengthy warm-up times, there are still scenarios where warming up may be beneficial.

Extreme Weather Conditions

In extreme cold or hot weather conditions, warming up your vehicle can help to regulate the internal temperature. This allows the engine, fluids, and other mechanical components to reach their optimal operating conditions, reducing potential stress and wear.

Vehicle Age and Type

Older vehicles or those with carbureted engines may require a short warm-up period to ensure a smoother transition from idling to driving. Carbureted engines, in particular, can benefit from a brief warm-up to achieve optimal fuel-air mixture ratios.

The Case for Immediate Driving

In contrast to the previous argument, some experts argue that immediate driving can be more beneficial in certain situations.

Fuel Efficiency

Modern vehicles are designed to operate efficiently even in cold weather conditions. Warming up your vehicle for an extended period can actually waste fuel and decrease overall fuel efficiency. Instead, driving gently within the first few minutes allows the engine to warm up more quickly and reach its peak operating temperature.

Reduced Idling Time

Excessive idling contributes to unnecessary pollution and increased fuel consumption. By avoiding unnecessary warm-up periods, you can reduce the time spent idling and minimize the impact on the environment.

Expert Recommendations

Industry experts have provided recommendations regarding vehicle warm-up practices to help you make an informed decision:

Consider Your Environment

Assess the weather conditions and your specific location. If you live in an area with extremely low temperatures or frequent temperature fluctuations, a short warm-up period may be beneficial.

Follow Manufacturer Guidelines

Refer to your vehicle's owner manual for manufacturer recommendations. Modern vehicles often feature technologies that enable efficient operation from the moment the engine starts. Following manufacturer guidelines ensures you maintain your vehicle appropriately.

Drive Gently

If you choose to warm up your vehicle, drive gently during the initial stages. Avoid heavy acceleration and high RPMs until the engine reaches its optimal operating temperature.


When it comes to the debate between warming up your vehicle or driving immediately, the answer depends on various factors such as weather conditions, vehicle age, and manufacturer guidelines. Assess your specific situation and make a decision that best suits your needs. As a trusted shipping and logistics service provider, DZ9 Transport is here to assist you with reliable transportation solutions. Contact us today for all your shipping needs!

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