Using hands-free while driving not that safe as you may think

Sep 24, 2018

The Impact of Hands-Free Phone Use While Driving

In today's fast-paced world, mobile phones have become an integral part of our daily lives. However, the convenience they offer has also brought along serious safety concerns, especially when it comes to using them while driving.

A recent study conducted by the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) reveals a surprising finding: talking hands-free on a mobile phone while driving is just as distracting as a conversation using a hand-held phone, despite one being illegal and the other not.

The Dangers of Cognitive Distraction

When we talk about distracted driving, most people tend to focus on the physical act of holding a phone. However, the real danger lies in the cognitive distraction that occurs while engaging in a conversation, even if your hands are on the steering wheel.

The QUT road safety study found that conversations conducted through hands-free devices still require significant cognitive effort, resulting in reduced attention to the road. This cognitive distraction can lead to delayed reactions, compromised decision-making, and an increased risk of accidents.

Understanding the Legal Differences

It is important to note the legal differences between using a hand-held phone versus a hands-free device while driving. While in many jurisdictions it is illegal to use a hand-held phone, using a hands-free device is often permitted. However, this study reveals that the cognitive distraction remains regardless of the phone's physical location.

The Role of Legislation and Road Safety Measures

While legislation plays a crucial role in discouraging drivers from using their phones while behind the wheel, it is equally important to raise awareness about the dangers of cognitive distraction caused by phone conversations. Implementing stricter regulations, educating drivers, and promoting safer alternatives are vital steps toward reducing the risks associated with distracted driving.

Recommendations for Safer Driving Habits

Based on the findings of the QUT study, it is evident that hands-free phone use should not be considered a safe alternative. To mitigate the risks associated with distracted driving, it is recommended to follow these guidelines:

1. Minimize Phone Conversations

Prioritize safety by limiting phone conversations while driving to only essential and emergency situations. Consider pulling over to a safe location if a longer or more complex conversation is necessary.

2. Utilize Voice Commands

If your vehicle is equipped with voice command capabilities, make use of them to initiate and answer calls, play music, or navigate to your desired destination.

3. Turn Off Notifications

Prevent distractions by disabling notifications or enabling the "Do Not Disturb" mode on your phone while driving. This helps reduce the temptation to look at your phone and diverts your focus back to the road.

4. Plan Ahead

If you anticipate the need to use your phone during your journey, plan ahead and pull over at a safe location to attend to any calls or messages. This way, you can give your complete attention to the conversation without compromising your safety.

5. Lead by Example

As a responsible driver, set a good example for others by refraining from using your phone while behind the wheel. Encourage your friends, family, and colleagues to adopt safer driving practices as well.

Stay Focused, Stay Safe

The QUT road safety study highlights the significant risks associated with using hands-free devices while driving. It is crucial to prioritize safety by minimizing distractions and maintaining a focused mindset on the road. By taking the necessary precautions, we can collectively create a safer driving environment for everyone.

About DZ9 Transport

DZ9 Transport is a leading provider of shipping and logistics solutions in the business and consumer services industry. We prioritize safety and responsibility in all aspects of our operations. Contact us today for reliable and secure transportation services tailored to your unique requirements.


It's clear that using hands-free devices while driving may not be as safe as commonly believed. The QUT study sheds light on the importance of minimizing cognitive distractions and the limitations of current legislation.

As an informed driver, it is crucial to understand and consider the risks associated with phone conversations while driving, regardless of whether you are using a hand-held or hands-free device. By adopting safer driving habits, we can prioritize the well-being of ourselves and others on the road.

Diane Allis
Interesting study! 😮 It's important to prioritize safety on the road. 👍🚗 Avoid distractions, including hands-free calls.
Oct 8, 2023